His Blog

His Blog

Monday, February 22, 2016

Five Months

Today marks five months. In a way it feels like he was just here - in so many other ways it feels like it was so long ago. I miss having him around. I truly wish he were here to help the way he used to with the kids and everything that goes along with running a household. It would be nice to have him here to hold me...to tell me things were going to be okay.


  1. I wish he were here too! But things are going to be OK somehow. So much love to you!

  2. You are incredible Teresa. The loss is really immeasurable, and you've pulled through so well. If I knew Layne, he is still trying to tell you things are going to be okay in his own way. We love you and your family, so much.

  3. I wish he were here too! Things will be OK, but it is NOT THE SAME coming from me. Love you.
