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His Blog

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Layne asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day. I told him that I wanted the father of my children to be around for another Mother's Day. Reality is upon us and I'm doubtful that I will get my wish. Although, I do not want a year of watching him be in the pain he's been in for the past week. I would prefer to have him be done and more comfortable - even if that means he's somewhere else. So, in gearing myself up for next year I will be focusing my thoughts on eternal families.


  1. So sorry that Layne is hurting. Sorry for everything this means for your family. I will praying that you have everything you need (everything) in the coming weeks, months, and years ahead. Love you, my friend.

  2. Becca said it perfectly. I second that. Hopefully the procedure had this week has lessoned somewhat the pain you mentioned in this post. Love you!!!
