His Blog

His Blog

Friday, July 31, 2015

To Do List

So much to do. I think I've said that before - but, seriously...it's true. We just got back from a trip to Nauvoo for a reunion with my family. Layne has not been feeling well. He chose to go anyway. If things continue as they are it will be his last one. He spent a good chunk of time resting in our room. (The room just happened to be perfect for a guy that needed to be close to a bathroom and still have it be quiet in a house full of about twenty or so people. Once the door was closed, we truly couldn't tell that there was even anyone else in the house. We stayed in the Hyrum Smith home. It was perfect for what we needed. A big thank you to the reunion planners, our 'housemates', and my parents.)
Now that we are back we get to catch up on a few things and dig into what needs to be done next. The garden and yard need some work. Then there's the mail, the laundry, and the grocery store. Oh, and all of the messages that didn't get taken care of during the week. (We didn't have any reception while we were there.) There's also the regrouping with the kids. There are always projects to work on, things to do, and places to go. We still need to work on the people to see one.
I have been reminded again today that if something needs to be done around here. I'm the one that gets to be in charge of it. Layne is just not up for more than sitting these days. That...and telling the rest of us what to do. He's always been good at that. We'll know he's truly losing his battle when he chooses to give up on micromanaging.
I have made a list of things to do. Now, if I just had the get up and go...I would get up and go.

1 comment:

  1. I wish for you extra energy and less back pain in order to tackle your to-do list and to have the strength to "get up and go"! Blessings to you!
