His Blog

His Blog

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

He's Ready

Last time we saw Dr. Garrido, he told us, "a couple weeks - maybe a month.". Today marks four weeks since that was spoken. It's been even more of a 'wait and see' experience than it has been in the past. We don't really know what will be happening when. I do know that Layne is continuing to decline. He is more exhausted and is in more pain. He spends most of his time trying to find a place to be that is not uncomfortable. There are times I wish he would come back. There are times when I know I need to let him go. He's ready.


  1. Praying for you so much, friend.

  2. This makes me cry! We are thinking of you every moment. Please give Layne our love and prayers. Every prayer spoken here while we had family in town always included you and Layne and your family, no matter who was saying it. Know how much we love you!
