His Blog

His Blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caregiver Fails

I went to bed last night thinking I'd actually get some sleep. Layne woke me up at 2am and 3:30am. I was a little cranky about it. Then I realized that both times could have been avoided if I'd just done my job last night. The first time he came in he wanted to know when I'd given him the last set of meds. I hadn't written it down. The second time, he came and asked about his patch (morphine). It was scheduled for a change last night and I went to bed without doing it. Completely forgot.
Must do better. Luckily for both of us, this is not the norm.

1 comment:

  1. Perfection isn't possible for any of us at any time. It certainly can't be expected of an exhausted caregiver! Kudos to you that this incident isn't the norm. You are doing great at shouldering these responsibilities and burdens!
