His Blog

His Blog

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Out The Door

Yesterday afternoon I had scheduled to take the boys down to their debate league meet up. It's far enough away that I just stay down there while they do their thing. I have been going to the Draper LDS Temple in an attempt to be renewed and use my time wisely. That was my plan for yesterday as well.
Layne was at the point where he didn't really even know what day it was. He had a rough morning. It was the time of day when I needed to be getting ready to go. I told Layne I was going to be heading out soon. He asked me about where I was going, what I was doing, and when I would be back. I answered his questions and tried to explain what was going on. He told me he didn't want me to go. I struggled with that. I was already worried about leaving him and knowing he didn't want me to leave made me more anxious. I was also concerned about the time. It was important to me (and the boys) to get them where they needed to be on time. We no longer had much wiggle room. I needed to either ask Layne's folks to drive the boys so I could stay - or, I needed to get ready and be gone in the next couple of minutes. (I already had one of the boys slicing an apple for me so I could eat something on the way. Have I mentioned lately that we have some pretty cool kids?) I also knew that if I left, I still needed to tell his folks about the meds he needed while I was gone. They also needed to know what to look for and what to do about it. These are not exactly details that can be skimmed through carelessly. So, I dropped to my knees by the side of Layne's hospital bed. I started saying a silent prayer. I didn't get very far when Layne whispered, "Go do what you need to.". He was at the point of not being able to articulate individual sounds very well. His voice's volume was on low. I asked him again - he made his statement again while I focused on listening. I knew that was my answer. He was okay with it. While I was saying good-bye - and that I'd be back in a little while (knowing the time wouldn't mean much to him) - he whispered again, this time he told me, "Have fun.". I was comforted knowing he really was alright with my leaving for awhile so I kissed his forehead and hurried to finish getting ready and give a one (or two) minute primer on meds to his mother. Needless to say...the boys were late.

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