His Blog

His Blog

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I have been exhausted the past while. I don't even know how long it goes back. It seems like all of last month was a blur. Maybe the exhaustion goes back to when Layne started hospice at the beginning of August. The exhaustion might have come from taking care of someone terminally ill while still trying to do my usual tasks and gradually taking on all of the tasks that go along with taking care of a family and running a home. I'm not sure when it started - but, it's still going strong. The last few days my eyelids have felt heavy and I've fought to keep them open. There are times I've lost the battle and sleep just has to happen - no matter what time of day. I've noticed my brain isn't working quiet as well either. It's not like I had a corner on being brilliant in the first place.:} So...if you see someone in a lethargic stupor...it's just me.


  1. I was telling Jenny at the funeral, "Man, I hope Teresa gets to have a nap after all this is done." I can only imagine the exhaustion. Rest. It is well deserved and needed. You are in my prayers.

  2. I am sure that most of us cannot even begin to imagine the mental, emotional, and physical toll that caregiving such as you have done takes...and then to go through losing Layne. I support sleeping whenever you feel you need to! Prayers for you always!!!! Love you.

  3. Like we were talking about the other day- Isn't it nice that your kids can take care of themselves, and you can have a nap? Take one. You deserve it.

  4. Rest. It's the best medicine. Your body is telling you, listen. It will take time to heal from this loss.

  5. You are probably exhausted all the way back from the first diagnosis. All the trauma of those years that was pushed down to get though the day to day is all starting to catch up and come up to be addressed. It is very normal to be past all exhaustion after going through all you've gone through.
