His Blog

His Blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Still Here

So much to write...
I haven't been able to post anything the last couple of days. The days are so full around here that I don't always make the time to write. I'd like to - just doesn't always happen. I have a couple of posts started about different topics - just nothing finished.
I have felt the last couple of days that I should write so people will know that Layne's still alive and fighting. It's as if people are waiting to hear the final news. So, I feel responsible for making sure that communication is there.
I also have people messaging me about what is going on. There are questions about how Layne is doing. There are messages of love and hope. There are queries about how to help. There are people visiting - to offer help, to respond to a request, to show a way they found to help, to see Layne just once more, to say good-bye, to thoughtfully drop something off, to hang on to hope.
I don't think I have ever fielded so many calls, messages, visits, appointments, posts, comments, cards, donations to our cause...in my life. That's all in addition to taking care of Layne, the kids, finances, income, and my health...and everything else. (For example, I don't think I've looked at our garden for days. It's harvesting time, right?:})
I also don't think I have ever had so many urgent categories to deal with in my life - some might not be as urgent as others - but, somehow there are times when everything feels urgent - especially for my executive functioning challenged brain. Priorities, productivity, and me...that's probably a post for another time. (I attempted to do a whole blog about it once. It didn't work. Hmm. Wonder why.)


  1. I just wanted to voice my love and support. It has been so many years since our time in the University Ward, but my heart will forever remember the relationships. May the Lord bless you now and always. Love, Marianne Woodbury

  2. We do so appreciate your taking time to update us. I know you can't always respond to everybody and everything...just not possible. I wish I were close by and could offer more help--like tackling that gardening! I am so proud of you and Layne for fighting this battle with such courage and faith. xoxoxox Hugs and prayers!

  3. One more thought about the flurry of messages and comments and all that that you are trying to field. I was thinking about how missionaries are too busy to even think about writing back to all the people that write them. We write them to support them and show our love, but we don't expect a reply. It's much the same in this case. We want you to feel our love and support, but we don't want to add to your burdens. So no worries about replying to texts/comments/emails/all that. Just know we love you and that you are in our hearts and prayers always.
