His Blog

His Blog

Friday, September 25, 2015

Feeling Lighter

Yesterday morning I realized I felt lighter. I felt I could think clearly and I was ready to be productive. I wondered why. That doesn't seem to be something a new widow (That's the first time I've typed that word in reference to myself...odd.) should feel - I don't really believe in 'shoulds' - maybe I just recognized that it might not be typical. I realized a couple of things. One is that a full night's sleep can make a big difference. It had been awhile. When someone needs extra care, it's usually 24/7 - not just when the caregiver happens to be up for the day anyway. So - sleep was one reason. Another reason was worry or maybe anxiety...whatever the proper term is when you're constantly concerned about someone. Yesterday morning was the first time I truly realized how much I had been concerned about Layne, how he was doing, the pain he was feeling, and what I could do to help. There was all of that concern and then I added on the concern about everything that needed to currently be done in addition to taking care of him and how I was ever going to manage everything without Layne in the future. The logistics overwhelmed me. I now have a different set of logistics. They still overwhelm me. But, life continues to move forward. I'll see if I can do better today.


  1. I'm so glad that you got a good night's sleep! It really does make all the difference! I don't envy the road you have ahead at all; but, I'm grateful that you feel lighter and are feeling better able to navigate what lies ahead! Love you!

  2. For me, I think so much of the anxiety and fear for the future would come with the unknown. There are still lots of unknowns. But wondering if/when/how Layne would pass away is no longer an unknown. And, as you said, a good night's sleep makes a world of difference. I also would imagine and hope (and pray!) that you are being buoyed up by prayers and angels. For whatever reason you are feeling lighter, I am so very glad you are!
