His Blog

His Blog

Friday, September 11, 2015

Sleeping Arrangements

I just wrote about having Layne be downstairs and me heading upstairs to sleep. He's some clarification. Hospice delivered a hospital bed awhile ago. It fits downstairs where he's been sleeping for awhile. The room also has his favorite recliner and a futon. He had an air mattress set up before the hospital bed was brought in. So, with all of those options he sleeps downstairs now. His folks also brought a foam mat to put on top of the bed so it's more comfortable for him. His body has no padding these days - that means we get to add padding as we can. He also has a wedge that is leaned up against the shelves that run the length of bed. He uses that as another option in an attempt to sit up during the day. That lets him face the room if he feels the situation calls for it. If not, he'll move the upper portion of the bed in order to sit up or sit in the recliner. They both face the TV.:}
It's been awhile since he's slept upstairs in our bed. He just can't lay flat anymore. It's too painful. He would try to use the big wedge we have (that's now downstairs) as an effort to find a position that worked. He didn't find much success. There has been more success with a hospital bed and meds for pain management.


  1. If I were you, I wouldn't want to go to my own bed either. Love you, and praying for you all the time.

  2. Your a brave strong woman and I'm sad to see such a strong family haveing to go through what you are going through but you handle it with strength and beauty love you guys
