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His Blog

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Wednesday Co-Op

After church on Sunday I just 'happened' to run into another homeschool mom. She's in a different ward and we really don't get a chance to talk very often. I told her about Layne. She told me about a homeschool co-op that her kids are attending. The details sounded great. There were qualified mothers taking on the whole thing. I would not need to teach anything. I would just be dropping the girls off. The topics sounded like something my daughters would be interested in pursuing. The cost was very minimal - pretty much just contributes to supplies. And, the location is just a couple of minutes away. It was also at a time when we could make it work. I think 'someone' might have been trying to tell me something. The viewing and funeral took up most of Sunday and Monday. I called the gal yesterday (Tuesday) to get to the contact info for one of the moms that was in charge. I emailed her and we got details taken care of right then. I took the girls over to experience their first time in the group. It was good that there were some familiar faces. Although, I think the girls would have managed otherwise as well. So, the girls will now be in a Wednesday morning co-op that will run until the middle of November.
I really felt like Layne was behind this one. I knew he thought it was a good idea to get the kids involved in things like this. I know that's part of the reason I acted on it. I know that's why I was able to have a clear mind as I thought about it and took action. My brain has been a little foggy lately.


  1. I am always praying for you to feel Layne close by and for you to feel like he's with you in making decisions. I am so glad you had this experience and that you shared it here! xoxox PS Fasted for you and your kids today!

  2. Love you, Teresa! Several in our house prayed and fasted for you and the kids today, too. Sending so much love!

  3. I feel foggy a lot of the time too. Those moments of clarity are a real blessing. I do believe Layne is assisting you through the veil.

  4. Yay for those moments! And it sounds like that will be a great thing for the girls. I'm so happy about this!
