His Blog

His Blog

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Checking Boxes

Today was the first time I had to check the 'Widowed' box in a form I was filling out. It was a bit odd. I had just spent some time talking with the kids about the term. That was easy. Owning the title is harder. I don't want it. I wish it was a little like the 'fishing' game that is done at kid carnivals - occasionally there's a second attempt in order to exchange toys. I want that option. I want Layne back. I was good with checking the 'Married' box.

1 comment:

  1. Have you read this article in this month's Friend yet? https://www.lds.org/friend/2015/10/how-can-i-show-kindness-to-others?lang=eng First off, I thought it was interesting that a Christmas story was featured in the October issue--I personally think the timing was meant just for your family! I loved this quote: "His father had died when Dallin was seven. But he had never thought of his mother as a widow. His mother had always taught her children that they had a father and that she had a husband and that they would always be a family because of their temple marriage." I love that.
