His Blog

His Blog

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Past Year

I've ben thinking this morning about the past year. Last year at this time Layne was still able to function. We thought the treatment he was getting was helping - at least that was the hope. At one point, we got the news that a scan showed the tumors had shrunk a bit. That was a very good thing. Things were kept at bay for awhile. I watched him get more tired throughout the experience. I watched as he became a little weaker.
The trips to Houston eventually ended. His experience at MD Anderson was over. I then watched as he was told that there was nothing else to be done. The only offering was the chance to be comfortable at home until the inevitable happened. I don't think anyone is ever prepared to hear that bit of news. There are some things that don't take very long to say and yet they literally have a life altering effect. We knew it was coming. But, one is still never fully prepared.
Once home, quality of life continued to go down. It was hard to watch a guy that is athletic, has a keen mind, is a 'doer', a finder of solutions - one who participates fully in life - deteriorate to someone who can only watch and wait.


  1. Isn't it incredible to think that he is once again that guy who is athletic, with a keen mind, a doer, a finder of solutions? I am eager to see how he will continue to participate as fully in your lives as he is able. I have no doubts that he will.

  2. I told the kids that I thought the first thing he did when he got to the spirit world was to take a good, long run. :-) I hope the memories of him as a whole, healthy Layne will come back soon, in place of the harder ones. But I know he's there.
