His Blog

His Blog

Monday, July 2, 2012


We are so grateful for all who fasted for us yesterday. I'm touched by all of the ward members who came to start the fast with us. We met Sunday evening in the Relief Society room at church. It was full. The doors in the back were open. I still need to list all of the people who came. We feel very fortunate to be part of such a loving ward.
Layne got up and mentioned a few things about the scenario, answered some questions and then our Bishop said the prayer. We also did hymns and a prayer before and after. I was a bit weepy. Although, I don't think it was as bad as the 'ugly cry' I've heard mentioned by on 'Oprah'. (Nope, not really a fan...randomly watched a few years ago...it's what was on while I was nursing a child.)
We feel humbled that so many people were fasting/praying for us. We are completely aware that so many others have huge things going on in their own lives. It meant so much to us to have others be aware of us and do what they could to help. I've said it so many times...but, we truly do feel the support from others...both near and far.
Another thing about the fast that has touched me were several of the children involved. I love their sweet spirits and their evident faith. I've received messages from friends/relatives about the kids in their homes that fasted for us...maybe for the first time. I also experienced a strong feeling of support during Primary when one of the lovely gals said the prayer and petitioned her faith for 'Brother Williams'. I think my eyes are watering again as I write that. I just remember feeling overwhelmed by all of the support we've felt from others. We appreciate all who fasted and prayed for us...both young and old.


  1. This made me weepy--in a good way...

  2. I love your ward! Do you mean you all got together on Saturday evening? I am bit confused by the timing.

  3. This really is wonderful! Maybe one of the good things you can take away from this trial is recognizing how many people LOVE YOU!!! I taught sharing time about fasting and prayer on Sunday, and we mentioned that our family was fasting for Uncle Layne. I got an e-mail just today (Thurs.) from the Primary music director who was there but is now vacationing in Virginia. She offered to put his name in the temple out there (which I said was great!). Other friends of ours who are aware of the situation are also praying with much faith on Layne's behalf. I am so glad to hear that you are able to feel the support of all these prayers. Love!! C.
