His Blog

His Blog

Monday, July 16, 2012


I feel bad about writing a not so happy post and then leaving it there for a few days. I will try to do better. I also plan to actually add some photos and links...you know, kind of like a real blog.
I also acknowledge that I haven't responded to comments that have been made. Thank you for the comments, support and questions. I will attempt to answer when possible. It's great to have comments. It somehow makes it feel like someone out there somewhere is reading.
I will attempt to write a post or two in the next couple of days and then will be gone for a reunion (which we are EXCITED about). After that, Layne has his first chemo and we're going to attempt to start school. We'll see how all of it goes.
I will be committing to writing more often than every week and a half. (Sorry.) I will even throw in some good/happy stuff.
Thanks for reading. And especially, thanks for the support. Love to all!


  1. Love that you are writing this blog so we can keep up with what is going on. We are praying for you guys, have fasted for Layne and keep you all on the prayer roll at our temple. We sure love you! You amaze me with your strength and honesty. I will always read and be praying for you, but I may not always comment. I don't feel like I say the right thing most times, but I wanted to atleast let you know that we are rooting for you and hoping for the best!!!

  2. Thank you for keeping us updated, good news or not. I appreciate knowing what's going on, since I can't be there. I know it can't be easy for you so I hope that the blog gives you an outlet. I know I speak for everyone else that we are here for you and Layne. Please lean on us for help.
