His Blog

His Blog

Monday, July 2, 2012

New Normal

Layne returned to work today. It sounds like it should be 'life as usual', right? Maybe it's our 'new normal'. Today we are getting ready for pictures that will being taken tomorrow. (Thanks Becky!) There's a national holiday on Wednesday. Layne has an appointment tomorrow and a couple of them on Thursday. Somewhere in there we'll hear results of the meeting that will be happening tomorrow. At one point, there was a plan to start chemo on Friday. It's not exactly how we used to spend our weeks. It used to be...Layne went to work (which he actually likes), the kids and I would 'do school' and spend time together, and then we'd connect again in the evening. There weren't appointments, more waiting and lots of paperwork. There have been other times in our lives when we've found a 'new normal'. Things such as moving or adding another child to our family...then there was the adjustment of when we were first married. It seems big topics get to have the title of 'new normal' instead of just the occasional schedule adjustment. It's a life adjustment. One of the things that's important to us, is helping the kids feel like life is still good and they are loved. We don't want them to get lost in all of this. And, as Layne has frequently stated, 'I'm not dead yet.'. (He's come up with lots of 'funny' comments lately.) We move forward with faith and excitement for the life that we do get to have together.


  1. "We move forward with faith and excitement for the life that we do get to have together." Wow. You are amazing. I adore you and your family.

  2. I am so glad you are blogging daily about all of this. It will be a treasure for your family, as you said, no matter how much time you get together. Layne is AMAZING in his ability to forge ahead with comments like that. I have actually quoted him to a number of people with this one, "Life goes on until it doesn't." I hope his energy levels are OK for the work that he needs to accomplish each day. Love you!
