His Blog

His Blog

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tumor Team

The Tumor Team met today. Layne called to let me know that after their discussion, the decision was made to go ahead with the 'classic' chemo. We had a brief conversation when he called, but he seemed to feel alright with it. We're not exactly looking forward to it...but, needing any kind of treatment is not exactly thrilling in the first place. We'll see how things go.


  1. I'm so glad he felt alright about it! I was just going to e-mail you because I hadn't gotten an update yet, and have wondered all day...and then I remembered to check the blog. Thanks for posting an update here. Also, I was talking with my friend today whose dad is on week 6 of chemo. The great news is that chemo has come a long way as far as the side effects. His doctor told him that if he was feeling nauseated, he just had to say the word and they would provide him with a remedy. He has not been nauseated and has not even lost his hair!!! In fact, his only side effect so far has been tiredness. But I always think chemo=constant vomiting and this is truly no longer the case. I was really happy to hear that news. I'm sure Layne's doctor has discussed all this with him, but I just wanted to mention that because it was definitely new information for me. Does the chemo start this Friday? Please direct us on specific prayer requests we can make now. PS Nothing about cancer is thrilling. Boo. :-(

  2. Some people have a relatively smooth time with chemo and some people have it really, really tough. I'm going to pray that he will be the former. A friend of mine's husband had cancer two years ago. His prognosis--if I remember correctly--wasn't very good. He went though chemo and it was terrible. It took him months to learn to swallow again and things like that, BUT he fully recovered and is strong and healthy and cancer-free today.

    God knows what he wants for Lane and you all. He will be with you and so many of us are praying for you. It may be pretty tough for the next few months, but you can make it, and it's okay if you feel like you can't make it sometimes. This will be and already is a refiner's fire for you and your family. God knows that it is harder than people see on the outside. He knows all the inner parts that are hard--and are usually the hardest parts of all. You can do this. Hugs and prayers are flowing your way from everywhere. Good luck!


  3. "Not exactly thrilling in the fist place" = Teresa's gift for understatement. ;) Ah, how I love you guys. Can't wait to see you next week. ***hug***
