His Blog

His Blog

Friday, August 14, 2015

Another 'This Week'

There has been so much happening lately that I'll just do a brief overview and get to the details at a later date. It feels like I did that last time as well. There's just not as much time to write as I'd like. Last time I covered last week - this time - I'll do this week. Shocker. So...August 9-15
We've had Layne's folks here, so they started out the week with us. Sunday we had a great family discussion about some of Layne's life. The main topics were all of the jobs he's had through the years and his involvement with music. (We even got out his trumpet.)
Monday wasn't very eventful. I attempted to get a couple of things done. In an effort to take care of myself, I made past due appointments with the dentist and chiropractor. Layne and I did a couple of brief errands and we had our Family Home Evening with Layne's folks here.
Tuesday we had Layne's appointment with his oncologist. We walked out with Layne being put on hospice care. It also meant saying good-bye to the fabulous team that's worked with him for the past several years. Obviously, more about that later. We then headed to take care of some details with the loan on Layne's truck before finishing with another errand. I went to the dentist to pick up and have the fit checked on my new mouth guard. (I could share the story about the original one at another time as well.) I then went to REI to look for some needed shoes - no luck. But, I did find a couple of deals at Savers before heading home. While I was gone he had a couple of friends he had worked with come and talk with him.
Wednesday brought Keri and Jenny (Layne's sisters) here. We were glad to be able to have them here to join their parents. I spent my afternoon at the chiropractor, the grocery store, and filling up the gas tank on the van. I came home just in time to quickly put groceries away and get ready for dinner at Costa Vida. We came home and Layne took the boys to Young Men.
Thursday morning we headed over to the Jordan River Temple for a session with Layne and I, Layne's folks, and his sisters. Great experience. We came back and had Frank, Diane, and Pam (Hunsakers) come for a visit. I didn't talk long - I took Jacob over to meet up with the group he was going backpacking with this week-end and then took the other kids to the zoo (free day through my health insurance).
Today the Williams crew left at 4:30 AM. I've attempted again to get some things done. The girls went to 'free lunch' for one of the last times this summer, went to splash pads with some cousins, and then were home just for a minute before heading to see even more cousins for a 'late over' this evening. Jonny was going to go with a group up to a cabin for an overnight trip - but, decided not to go (when he realized he didn't know anyone there). He went to one of the latest 'Marvel' movies with his Dad instead. (I'm hoping that all works out - I was a little concerned about him driving and I don't know how comfortable a theatre seat is going to be for him for that long.) Jacob is still backpacking and I am home all by myself. So very quiet.
Tomorrow there will be an errand or two - but, nothing too pressing.
It's been great to see relatives this week. It's also been hard to share more good-byes.
This coming week will bring more time with relatives, meeting with someone from the funeral home, and traveling to the cemetery to choose our spots. We're also trying to get some financial details in place. And, Layne has plans to meet up with a couple of friends from work - a few to play some games - and another couple of them for lunch (on a liquid diet?).
As I'm reviewing this (and as I wrote it) I realized that it was more about just what we've been doing instead of focusing on what is going on with Layne. I'm hoping that still works. I know the blog is more focused on what's going on with the cancer. But, this time I just ended up with more random details - the day to day routine.

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