His Blog

His Blog

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Muffins and Medicine

Layne got up early and made muffins this morning. When he makes muffins, they are not the boxed mix like I use...he makes them from scratch. We had apple cinnamon muffins and blueberry oatmeal muffins this morning. We also had grapefruit and pears too. (A family 'recipe' for him.) He realized this morning that he couldn't eat grapefruit with the drugs he's taking for the clinical trial. I felt bad for him...but, we obviously moved on quickly. I didn't realize he was going to get up and make something. We talked about just doing some pancakes or waffles...something quick and yummy. It occurred to my again that he's just not your average cancer patient. I don't know many guys that would get up early on Christmas just to make breakfast for his wife and kids in the first place...and then this is a guy who had a chemo treatment less than a week ago and doesn't sleep very well these days anyway. It's a good thing he was here to do it. The kids might have had to suffer through a breakfast of pancakes instead of made from scratch muffins on Christmas day.:}


  1. We love you two and wish we could live closer and provide a little extra support. You are in our every prayer and we still exercise faith on Layne's behalf. We too are grateful for our loving Savior and for the Atonement that seems most real when we are longing for all things to be made right again.

  2. This was very sweet and I agree that Layne is not your average cancer patient. That's why it still seems so surreal to wrap my brain around all of it. I ditto Steve's comment above about wishing we could be there nearby and provide more support as well. And, ditto especially to our prayers and faith on your behalf!!! Love!
