His Blog

His Blog

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Head CT

So, I forgot to mention...Layne is on his way to get a head CT scan. Yep, just drove off all on his own. I know it's one of those things that could lend itself to someone being with you, but these days we just sort of do what we do. I asked if he wanted me to go with him, but he didn't really seem too worried about it. I think because neither one of us believes he actually has a tumor (or multiple) on his brain. Yet, at the same time it's hard not too worry a little bit. On the other hand...last month (or was it two?) it was the possibility of skin cancer on his scalp. So, sometimes I just say, "whatever" and go on with my day. I think he does the same thing. Although, I'm sure it's not quite as easy for him to do since he's the one actually going to the appointments and being poked, prodded, and otherwise being a human lab rat. (It's not very fun to see him hooked up to machines...or knowing that he might be in pain...or as he puts it, "uncomfortable".) We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Layne is my hero. "Uncomfortable" sounds like he is trying to be as positive as possible. I am inspired!
