His Blog

His Blog

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Real Life

started on april 15th

lying next to layne in bed - sense his chest rising and falling as he breathes - hear and feel the vibrations of his heart beat - that's enough for now. I will be in the moment and not think about the future when there will be no warmth coming from the other side of the bed.

post script...not sure how to edit this one...so, i'm not going to...it's just the way it is around here sometimes...


  1. This. This was really beautifully written, even though it's from such a painful place. Thank you for sharing this part of you with us. Love you.

  2. I am trying to hold it together since I am at work. That's the only reason I am not weeping like Carolynn right now. Becca is right. It is beautifully written because it comes from such an honest, painful place. I sure to do love you both.
