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His Blog

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Priesthood Blessing

Layne just had a blessing. He asked for one because he's been feeling like he needs the strength right now. He's been feeling more exhaustion and pain lately. It seems most of the blessing was about him having peace while he continues with whatever needs to happen next (with treatment). He was told he has a wife and kids supporting him and that we will be with him until the end. There were some other things that were said - but, that was the gist of it. Somehow, it confirmed to me that we are at the beginning of the end.
I had the thought, "He's dying.", go through my brain a couple of times during the blessing. There's also something about all three of the men crying through the blessing that didn't help me to keep myself in check. I'm grateful for the spirit that was here.

1 comment:

  1. Words are woefully inadequate. I love you and your family! I am grateful for the Spirit too and pray it is with you in abundance!
