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His Blog

Friday, August 24, 2012

One Fourth

Layne has done 3 of his 12 chemo treatments. It feels like we have the routine down a little bit. Today went much quicker than the first two. That was a good thing.
When it was done, we had a nurse come to help with getting him hooked up with the drug that he takes home. We were a bit confused, considering that we didn't realize anyone was coming. We were ready to go. We were able to get things worked out so that they will be getting him set up before we go and then coming on Sunday afternoon to 'flush' the line and de-access the port. I'm glad. We felt like we were left hanging on that one. It's not like it would be that big of a deal once I knew what I was doing, but we didn't like the feeling of no support at all.
Layne started today with an exercise program at the Wellness Center. So, I dropped him off and went for my own walk up the canyon by Red Butte. I ended up taking a few pictures. Surprise. It was great to have a few moments in the morning to reflect and be outside.
The kids did great today. They took care of themselves through lunch and then went to a friend's house. I'm so grateful for those that have taken the kids in while we've been gone. I'm hoping that they'll get a chance to have a break in their day each time. It just seems like being home by themselves all day...every time would not be a good thing. Last time they went to a friend's house in the morning and were at home in the afternoon by themselves. By the time early evening rolled around, my parents were able to  be with them for a bit since we were much later than we thought we'd be. The very first time, they were at my parents' house and spending time with cousins. I think that was the favorite so far.
Layne did the 'cold' thing again today. I think it might be getting more intense. I noticed this morning that it seems he's getting a small rash on his wrists. Odd. But, chemo is full of fun surprises. His fingers started tingling just about the time the drug was introduced this time. So, we'll see if that intensifies also. He was weak and a bit tired afterward. The doctor told him he really is doing as well as could be expected. We're thankful the side effects haven't been more dramatic than they what has been presented thus far. Although, the steroid that makes one more emotional...not sure I like that one. Layne's somewhat anxious in the first place...multiply that and we're doing lots of deep breathing.:}
We stopped by Layne's work after the treatment. It's only a couple minutes drive from Huntsman. He had something he needed to send in. The paperwork was done, just needed to add something and sign...or something like that. As we were leaving, I told him it might not have been a good idea to stop by - once you head in, they'll expect him to follow up with the same next time. We got out to the van, he moved his fingers a bit and said there was no way he could do an actual work day (or even an afternoon) after a treatment. His hands were shaky and stiff. He also looked exhausted after being there for only about 10 minutes.


  1. I am so glad the kids are old enough that they can hang by themselves and be fine. I am also really glad for friends they can play with so they aren't alone the whole time. God is in the timing...

  2. 1/4 of the way there! Hooray! Thanks so much for filling us in on all of the details. We keep praying!! xo

  3. Still hoping, reading, thinking and praying.
