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His Blog

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Already?

Sorry to have gone through the week-end without posting anything.
Layne had his second treatment this past Friday. He also met with people at the wellness center (to put together a fitness plan) and the nutritionist. (I'm impressed with the services they offer...sort like and 'all inclusive' resort.) It feels like a day of several appointments one after the other...with the last one being around four hours. He was in a bed this time instead of a chair. He had a great view last time too. I think he ended up in the bed because he was a couple of hours late for his chemo. The doctor was a behind schedule...which seems to be the case whenever we're there.
Some of the after effects from last time are apparent again. His fingertips and toes continue to be sensitive to cold. He also feels weak.  He describes it as feeling like he has the flu...just without the aching feeling. He's just not up for doing as much. (Although, he put in a full Sunday yesterday...complete with an early meeting, the three hour block, another meeting, home teaching and then our home teachers coming to visit us. I think there was a nap somewhere in there too.)
When Layne finishes the round of treatments at the hospital, he has another that he gets to take home with him that drips in slower than the others do. He gets to be connected to it for a couple of days and wears a nifty bag over his shoulder to put it in. (A patient actually made a bunch of them for other patients...how cool is that?) While we're at the hospital, the line has to be flushed, a drug is pushed in and then he's hooked up to the one that goes home. Once he's home (and done), the line gets flushed again, we put medicine through that guards against blood clots, and then take out the needle (that's been in his port the whole time). Guess who gets to do all of that? Yep...Moi. When they first told me that I would be the one doing it...it was understood that I would watch someone else do it a few times and then take over once I was comfortable doing so. Last time we had a nurse show us what she was doing at the hospital and then when we were home, another nurse showed us how to do the last part. It didn't occur to me that after seeing it once, I would be expected to do it. It's not a big deal for them because they do it often enough that they're used to it. I think it makes a difference when it's someone you know, you've only seen it done once and you've never dealt with syringes and people all at the same time. I didn't do the final drug this time. But, I think I might 'get' to do it next time around. There's a story behind who's supposed to do what and what insurance covers and doesn't...I've already written plenty on the topic for one day, so we'll save it for another day (maybe).


  1. Teresa,

    Thanks for the update! I've been checking daily, so I'm always glad to see one. I know we all appreciate the details. I think we need a pic of Layne with his nifty bag...maybe you can take one on Round 3. I am so impressed that Layne managed to do so much on Sunday! Crazy!! Is he still taking a week off work between treatments or is he trying to push through that as well? We're praying for you guys!

    PS How is school going so far? xoxo Carolynn

  2. Ok, no not the needles too! Yikes. There are so many new things for you right now it's hard to even imagine. But I am confident a few rounds and it will begin to be more workable. Keep the faith!

