His Blog

His Blog

Friday, May 22, 2015

Another Clinical Trial?

Last week, we met with the oncologist here at Huntsman. They're doing some testing to assess whether he qualifies for another clinical trial. We have another week or two of waiting until the results are back. This trial will have him doing chemo on a weekly basis. There might have been some mention about three weeks on and one week off...something like that. It would be located at Huntsman so that would be a huge plus (as apposed to out of state). It seems it's all just wait and see.


  1. Keep us posted on what they say about this (and other) hopefully possibilities. Thank you for the updates, as always. xoxo

  2. Keep us posted on what they say about this (and other) hopefully possibilities. Thank you for the updates, as always. xoxo

  3. Thank you for this update! Yes, keep us posted!
