His Blog

His Blog

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Always A Runner

Layne got out of bed earlier than I did today. It reminded me of days gone past. He used to be consistent about getting up early enough to exercise before heading over to work (and before that campus). I got used to a guy who considered himself a runner. It was just part of who he used to be. He still has the spirit of a runner in the marathon of life he's engaged in right now. But, the early morning exercise sessions are no more. There are no more plans for the next event. A 5K used to be for the day's workout and a t-shirt. There were also other events that were a bigger deal. He ran the Salt Lake marathon the year before he found out about his cancer. He was scheduled (but never made it) to participate in a Ragnar the day after he was scheduled for his surgery to remove the cancer and part of his colon. He enjoyed some races that were 'triathlons' (in quotes because of the shorter distances - he likes to bike, but never was a fan of figuring out how to breathe while swimming). Since he's been diagnosed, he's been involved in a 5K and a bike race - both done through Huntsman to raise funds for research to fight cancer. He's also been a great help to our boys in encouraging them with their exercising/fitness. He's into making sure the girls are active as well. But, the current scenario is that the boys are working on their personal fitness for scouts. Thus, the reason he is helping with a specific goal of theirs at the moment. He used to exercise with them - modifying what he used to do. He doesn't even do that anymore. These days it's an accomplishment to actually go over to the Rec. Center with them. There are times I've taken them instead and they do the workout on their own. I will always be grateful I had a chance to see Layne in action...to see the fighter cross the finish line.


  1. YES. I have always thought of Layne as a distance runner. Still do. Just on a much tougher course. Love you.

  2. Ditto to what Becca said! It is great he is still helping the boys with their Scouts merit badges!

  3. I love this post. That's all.
